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Volunteers are important and necessary in order for our group to run smoothly. Filling in one of these positions is a requirement to being a part of Roots and Wings. Volunteers are set to run on a six-week rotation and their assignment will be only within the hours that their children are in class. If you are unable to fulfill your responsibility, it is your responsibility to find a substitute using the family directory and then notify Missy Beechy at 815-955-4137 with the name of your sub and the period being covered. 
The following positions are necessary each week:

Door Monitor

Volunteer will greet students and parents at the door, as it will be locked at all times. You will verify adult shows either lanyard or ID. If ID is shown, write family number on temporary sticker. This person will also be available during their designated time to fill in where necessary and fulfill duties assigned to them. For safety reasons, your children cannot be with you if you are scheduled to work there. 


Hall Monitor

The upstairs hall monitor needs to be constantly roaming the area and making sure everyone is in class safely. Students under 8 years old should be with their parents at all times unless they are in class. If students need to use the bathroom during class, the hall monitor should be available to take them to the bathroom and back to class when finished. Remember: there is a Montessori preschool within this hallway, so it should remain as quiet as possible. Roots and wings children are not permitted to touch the preschools belongings that are located in that hallway. There is also an EXIT door in this hallway that needs to be monitored, no children are to go outdoors without a parent or teacher present. 


Hall Monitor

The main hall monitor needs to be constantly roaming the areas around the gym, main entrance,sanctuary and upstairs area, making sure everyone is in class safely. Students under 8 years old should be with their parents at all times unless they are in class. If students need to use the bathroom during class, the hall monitor should be available to take them to the bathroom and back to class when finished. 


The downstairs hall monitor needs to be constantly roaming the area and making sure everyone is in class safely. Make sure no one is hanging in the stairwell. No students are permitted to use the elevator without a parent or teacher present, unless medically necessary. Students under 8 years old should be with their parents at all times unless they are in class. If students need to use the bathroom during class, the hall monitor should be available to take them to the bathroom and back to class when finished. 

Study Hall Monitor

A person who keeps study hall peaceful and orderly. In case of an emergency, Study Hall Monitor will also take the role of teacher to lead signed-in students in the emergency procedure. Verify all students, not with a parent, have signed in. 

*Please do NOT leave your volunteer spot until the next person arrives to relieve you. If they are running late, please try to stay or notify board member to cover. 

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